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Prof. Dr., Ph.D.
European Union Education and Youth Programs Projects
MATERIART "Coordinator"
EWWUD 2012, 2011, 2010 "Member of Organization Committee and Studio Coordinator"
(European Workshop Waterfront Urban Design Project Coordinator: Pedro Ressano Garcia LLP/Erasmus Program, Lusófona University of Humanity and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal)
WS-RADS 2012, 2011, 2010 "Member of Organization Committee and Studio Coordinator"
(Winter School-Roving Architectural Design Studios: Urban Housing II) (Center for EU Education and Youth Programmes ERASMUS/IP )
EWSAD 2009, 2008, 2007 "Coordinator"
European Winter School in Architectural Design: Lost Space I (Center for EU Education and Youth Programmes ERASMUS/IP )
International Institutions Projects
4-16 April 2008, POLITECNICO DI MILANO DOMOWORKSHOP, Domodossola first international workshop in urban and environmental design "Where city border meets landscape: re-drawing urban boundaries" "Member of Organization Committee and Studio Coordinator"
26 May- 02 June 2006, FH BOCHUM International workshop Bochum, Backside of the City "Member of Organization Committee and Studio Coordinator"
ENHSA European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture Sokrates Thematic Networks Project (Project Coordinator: Constantin Spiridonidis Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki Yunanistan) "Coordinator of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, TOBB-ETÜ"
ENHSA European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture Sokrates Thematic Networks Project (Project Coordinator: Constantin Spiridonidis Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki Yunanistan) "Coordinator of the Faculty of Architecture, Gazi University"
Tubitak Projects
2013, "Türkiye'de Mimarlık EÄŸitiminde Mevcut Yönelimler ve BiliÅŸim Teknolojilerinin Rolü" Researcher (1002 Quick Support Project) Project No:112K373
2011, "Mimarlık eÄŸitiminde tasarım/yapım stüdyosu ortamlarının güncellenmesi stratejileri- Ön proje" Coordinator(1002 Quick Support Project)
University Research Fund Projects
2010, GÜBAP "Mimari Tasarımda DoÄŸa Temaları" project no: 48/2010–4 "Coordinator"
2010, GÜBAP "Post-Modern Dönem Mimarlık Teorilerinde Ä°nsan Hakları" project no: 06/2008-48 "Coordinator"
2010, GÜBAP "Mimari Tasarımda Yüzey Tasarlama Sorunsalına ÇaÄŸdaÅŸ Tasarımcıların Yaklaşımlarının Ä°rdelenmesi Ä°çin Bir Yöntem AraÅŸtırması" project no: 06/2008-40 "Coordinator"
2008, GÜBAP "Mimarlık EÄŸitiminde Tasarım Stüdyosu Ortamının Güncellenmesine Dair Bir AraÅŸtırma" project no: 06/2003-45 "Coordinator"
2007, GÜBAP "Maltepe Havagazı Fabrikası Belgeleme" project no: 06/ 2002-03 "Coordinator"
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